The FRF Work Groups are the principal vehicles through which coalition members collaborate. We currently have three standing work groups — the Fake Clinic Work Group, the Comprehensive Sex Ed Work Group, and the Ballot Education Work Group. Other work groups will emerge as needs arise.
Fake Clinics
The Fake Clinics Work Group works to raise public awareness of anti-abortion pregnancy centers, nearly 200 of which are located in Florida, and ultimately to change laws that legitimize and fund these anti-abortion entities. Fake clinics intercept women with unintended pregnancies who might be considering abortion. Their mission is to prevent abortions by persuading women that adoption or parenting is a better option, often using shame and misinformation.
FRF upholds the idea that all women deserve timely access and a full range of care options, not the medically inaccurate information and judgment pushed on them by anti-abortion pregnancy centers.
Comprehensive Sex Education
The Comprehensive Sex Education Work Group is working to protect Florida’s teens and create healthier communities by advancing policies for public schools to teach about sexual health using comprehensive, medically-accurate and age-appropriate factual information.
Providing teens and young people with the information they need to make responsible decisions about their sexual health is the common sense solution to reducing unintended teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Currently, comprehensive sex education is far from the norm in Florida public schools as the state does not require it. Generally, abstinence-only only material is used in Florida classrooms, with the core focus being on not having sex outside heterosexual marriage and no inclusion of material on birth control or safer sex.
Legislative Issues / State Policy
The Floridians for Reproductive Freedom (FRF) coalition works year round to advocate for policy that makes the full range of reproductive health care, including abortion care, convenient, affordable and safe in our state. We defend against the opposition’s intent on mounting barriers to abortion, birth control, and evidence-based sex education. We do this by exposing the flawed programs and policies pushed by anti-abortion organizations and policy-makers. We promote policies, programs, and reforms that advance the social and economic benefits of reproductive freedom and access to abortion.
Abortion access in Florida is protected by the privacy clause in our state constitution which says “every natural person has the right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into the person’s private life.” This protection is greater even than that provided by the U.S. Constitution. FRF watchdogs any efforts to alter the privacy clause in the Florida Constitution, such as via ballot measure.