Alright y’all, real-talk time. Opponents to Amendment 4 have been upping their game to intimidate, confuse, and dissuade voters from supporting our Amendment.
We must not lose focus: Florida’s near-total abortion ban is devastating patients and their families, and passing Amendment 4 is the only way to put an end to the ban, and put power back in the hands of patients where it belongs, not politicians.

The best way to counter disinformation is to talk to our voters ourselves. That’s why we need September’s Super Saturday to be the biggest one yet.
Sign up to join us on Saturday, September 21st or Sunday, September 22nd in your community. We’ll be knocking on doors and calling voters, explaining just how important it is for abortion access that they turn out in support of Amendment 4.
While the opposition continues to spread lies and use scare tactics, we’ll be out there sharing our stories and inspiring voters, because hope IS making a comeback and freedom is something we can all get behind. Sign up today to be part of the movement.
Paid political advertisement provided in-kind by Progress Florida, 200 2nd Ave S, Ste 808, St. Petersburg, FL 33701