South Florida Sun Sentinel
Cindy Krischer Goodman
Goodman interviewed multiple people involved in the reproductive rights movement in Florida about what the 6-week abortion ban would mean for the state, and for people’s possibilities of accessing safe abortions. She highlighted the ways in which abortion clinics suffer under extreme bans such as Florida’s, and the influx of people ordering abortion pills by mail or stock piling birth control pills.
- 6 million voters contributed to the 57% that wanted to repeal the extreme ban, with data showcasing that this effort managed to cross party lines. The author does highlight that some activists are turning towards calling on law makers to protect certain aspects of abortion access, while others believe that it will be difficult to convince them of doing so.
- There is also discussion in the article on how to best reach minority groups, especially Latino voters, on issues such as abortion. They also dive on fighting abortion access at the federal level as well, in order to ensure that it is protected on some level even if it can’t be state wise.