About Us

We are united to educate about the importance of, and advocate for, convenient, affordable and safe access to the full range of reproductive health care – from abortion to birth control to evidence-based sex education. We do this by exposing the flawed programs and policies pushed by anti-abortion organizations and policy-makers. We promote policies, programs and reforms that advance the social and economic benefits of reproductive freedom.

We envision a future where all Floridians have access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion, with dignity and respect.

Origins and History

October 16, 2016, the Floridians for Reproductive Freedom coalition organizes its first action – delivering a letter to Gov. Rick Scott signed by over 50 organizations urging “immediate and specific action on the Zika virus outbreak and the growing public health crisis in Florida.”

In 2016, members of the Florida Pro-Choice Coalition recognized the need to transition from an information sharing network to a policy-setting group that creates collaborative strategies to advance abortion rights and beat back efforts of anti-abortion extremists. Representatives from various allied groups began conceiving of a plan to re-envision, restructure, and reboot the coalition.

After a series of initial planning meetings, a summit was held in Orlando that included dozens of organizations and key leaders across the state who would join in what would become a rejuvenated and more robust coalition.

The coalition body agreed to re-brand its name to be more inclusive and contemporary and we became Floridians for Reproductive Freedom (FRF). Within a few months dozens more groups had joined in.

FRF has been off and running and making an impact ever since. The creation of this successful new coalition was a watershed moment in the history of Florida’s abortion rights movement.


The FRF Work Groups are the principal vehicles through which coalition members collaborate. We currently have two standing work groups — the Fake Clinic Work Group and the Comprehensive Sex Ed Work Group. All FRF member organizations collectively do  Legislative Issues / State Policy Work. Other work groups will emerge as needs arise.

  • Anti-Abortion Centers. The Fake Clinics Work Group works to raise public awareness of anti-abortion centers, nearly 200 of which are located in Florida, and ultimately to change laws that legitimize and fund these anti-abortion entities. Fake clinics intercept women with unintended pregnancies who might be considering abortion. Their mission is to prevent abortions by persuading women that adoption or parenting is a better option, often using shame and misinformation. FRF upholds the idea that all women deserve timely access and a full range of care options, not the medically inaccurate information and judgment pushed on them by anti-abortion pregnancy centers.

  • Comprehensive Sex Education/Florida Healthy Youth Alliance (FHYA). FHYA is a separate coalition, but on which FRF has representation. FHYA works to protect Florida young people and create healthier communities by advancing policies for public schools to teach about sexual health using comprehensive, medically-accurate and age-appropriate factual information. Providing young people with the information they need to make responsible decisions about their sexual health is the common sense solution to reducing unintended teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Currently, comprehensive sex education is far from the norm in Florida public schools as the state does not require it. Generally, abstinence-only only material is used in Florida classrooms, with the core focus being on not having sex outside heterosexual marriage and no inclusion of material on birth control or safer sex.

  • Legislative Issues / State Policy. The Floridians for Reproductive Freedom (FRF) coalition works year round to advocate for policy that makes the full range of reproductive health care, including abortion care, convenient, affordable and safe in our state. We defend against the opposition’s intent on mounting barriers to abortion, birth control, and evidence-based sex education. We do this by exposing the flawed programs and policies pushed by anti-abortion organizations and policy-makers. We promote policies, programs, and reforms that advance the social and economic benefits of reproductive freedom and access to abortion. Abortion access in Florida is protected by the privacy clause in our state constitution which says “every natural person has the right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into the person’s private life.” This protection is greater even than that provided by the U.S. Constitution. FRF watchdogs any efforts to alter the privacy clause in the Florida Constitution, such as via ballot measure.

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Member Organizations
The groups listed below are for attribution purposes only and their opinions or viewpoints expressed on other issues do not necessarily reflect the views of other member organizations in this coalition, or of the coalition itself.

1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East
A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville
Abortion Telemedicine
ACLU Florida
American Atheists
Bans Off Our Bodies Florida
Bread & Roses Women’s Health Center/Gainesville Woman Care
Broward for Progress
Broward Women’s Emergency Fund
BSSI Michael Benjamin MD
Center for Reproductive Rights
Central Floridians for Social Equality
CML Enterprises
Elevated Access
Emergency Medical Assistance
Engaged Communities
Engage Miami
Equality Florida
Florida Access Network
Florida Health Justice Project
Florida Interfaith Coalition for Reproductive Health and Justice
Florida Legal Services, Inc.
Florida Rising
Florida Voices for Health
Florida Watch
Human Rights Campaign
Jewish Women’s Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches
Latina Institute for Reproductive Health & Justice FL
League of Women Voters Broward
League of Women Voters Florida
League of Women Voters Hillsborough County
League of Women Voters Manatee County
League of Women Voters Polk County
League of Women Voters St. Petersburg area
LLC Advocacy Consultants
Mi Vecino
Muslim Women’s Organization
NAPAWF Florida
National Abortion Federation
National Council of Jewish Women – Florida
National Council of Jewish Women – Palm Beach
National Institute for Reproductive Health
National Organization for Women – Florida NOW
National Organization for Women – Greater Orlando NOW
National Organization for Women – Jacksonville NOW
National Organization for Women – Lee County NOW
National Organization for Women – Miami NOW
National Organization for Women – NOW of Greater Marion County
National Organization for Women – Palm Beach County NOW
National Organization for Women – Pinellas NOW
National Women’s Law Center
National Women’s Liberation
North Florida Women’s Services, LLC
Pensacola Abortion Rights Taskforce
Physicians for Reproductive Health
Planned Parenthood – Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida
Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida
Poder Latinx
Power U
Presidential Women’s Center
Pro-Choice Coalition of Broward County
Progress Florida
RBG Fund
Rhia Ventures
Ruth’s List Florida
St. Johns Dems
State Innovation Exchange
State Voices Florida
Tampa Bay Abortion Fund
The Equity Experience
United Activision Media LLC
Women’s Advocacy Movement of Pinellas
Women’s Emergency Network
Women’s March Florida
Women’s March Jax
Women’s Foundation of Florida
Women’s Voices Media
Vitala Global, creator of Aya Contigo
Voices of Florida


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