Reproductive Rights News Roundup

Out every Friday, our news roundup helps reproductive rights advocates stay up to speed on the top repro stories out of Florida and the nation.

Reproductive Rights News Roundup

Out every Friday, our news roundup helps reproductive rights advocates stay up to speed on the top repro stories out of Florida and the nation.

Reproductive Rights News Roundup

Out every Friday, our news roundup helps reproductive rights advocates stay up to speed on the top repro stories out of Florida and the nation.

Gov. DeSantis signs abortion consent for minors law

Excerpt: Floridians for Reproductive Freedom and Samantha Daley, an organizer with Power U Center for Social Change, issued a statement criticizing DeSantis’ signature. “A young Floridian seeking an abortion needs equity, compassionate support and access to health care, information, and services,” Daley said. “Parental involvement laws disproportionately impact young people at the margins, including Black youth, youth of color, young people experiencing houselessness, LGBTQ youth, immigrant youth, and young people in the foster care system, because these populations already face larger systematic barriers to accessing abortion and the legal system in general.”

Reproductive Rights News Roundup

Out every Friday, our news roundup helps reproductive rights advocates stay up to speed on the top repro stories out of Florida and the nation.