Nov 12: Post-Election Safe Space Gathering w/RHAP, Florida Cluster
Gather with Clinicians and Advocates (of all types) to amplify your voice or simply network with others in a space that centers on reproductive justice and advocacy.
8 Weeks to Pass Amendment 4
We must not lose focus: Florida’s near-total abortion ban is devastating patients and their families, and passing Amendment 4 is the only way to put an end to the ban, and put power back in the hands of patients where it belongs, not politicians.
April 20th: Super Saturday for Yes on 4
These teach-ins will school advocates on the best messaging to share with voters about supporting the Amendment to Limit Government Interference this November, and how your personal story, well told, will inspire others to take action.
April 13th: Rally to End the Six-Week Abortion Ban
Join abortion access advocates from across the state for the official Yes on 4 Campaign Launch hosted at Lake Eola in Orlando on April 13th from 12:00pm-2:00pm.
Oppose HB 1639: The Trans Erasure Bill
Oppose the Transgender Erasure Bill: a sweeping new assault on the rights and dignity of transgender Floridians that seeks to further disenfranchise the community.
Oppose HB 415/SB 436: State-sponsored anti-abortion website
Oppose HB 415/SB 436 Extremists in the Florida Legislature are once again pushing more anti-abortion propaganda on the public dime. House Bill 415 and Senate Bill 436 would require the Florida Department of Health to create a website using a third-party vendor that features anti-abortion pregnancy centers. The bill is sponsored by none other than […]
Oppose HB 651/SB 476: “Abuser Empowerment Act”
This bill could allow individuals to bring wrongful death lawsuits against abortion providers or penalties to those who help others access abortion care. Oppose HB 651 to stop political interference where it doesn’t belong.
Roe v. Wade Anniversary Events 2024 – Statewide
Our lives are bigger than Roe. Reproductive freedom is #biggerthanRoe. Join us for the #BiggerThanRoe events statewide 01/22/23.
Abortion Petition Update for Weekend of December 16th
Find out where you can collect petitions this weekend to get abortion on the ballot in Florida.
Abortion Petition Update for Weekend of December 9th
Find out where you can collect petitions this weekend to get abortion on the ballot in Florida.