We're fighting for equal and safe access to a full range of reproductive health care – from abortion to birth control to evidence-based sex education.

Our Priorities

Florida Exposé

Inaccurate medical information? Religious coercion on the taxpayer’s dime? Inflated reimbursement rates not subject to thorough oversight by the state? Wasteful spending? It’s all unveiled in our January 2021 report.

Take Action

April 20th: Super Saturday for Yes on 4

These teach-ins will school advocates on the best messaging to share with voters about supporting the Amendment to Limit Government Interference this November, and how your personal story, well told, will inspire others to take action.

Oppose HB 1639: The Trans Erasure Bill

Oppose the Transgender Erasure Bill: a sweeping new assault on the rights and dignity of transgender Floridians that seeks to further disenfranchise the community.

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